woensdag 28 januari 2015

APPEARANCE - Nieuwe trend rosé goud haar?

Op 14 Januari zag ik op Facebook al voorbij komen dat Audrina Patridge (The Hills) 8 uur bij de kapper had gezeten voor een nieuw kapsel. Wat moet dat dan wel niet geworden zijn dacht ik? Het resultaat: rose goud haar. Het is een perfecte combinatie van rood, roze, goud en blond. Het is een schattige hairdo met een randje stoer en sexy. Als ik sommige foto's zie denk ik: 'Mwah, zo vind ik het minder'. Maar op andere foto's denk ik hallelujah dat zou ik ook wel willen. Check Pinterest met de zoekterm 'Rose gold hair' en je wordt overladen met fairytale achtige hairdo's. Of ik deze stap zou wagen? Ik weet het niet maar het lijkt me ontzettend gaaf om te doen. Eerst maar eens even wegkwijnen bij deze mooie inspiratie foto's. Wat vindt jij? Zou je zoiets ook willen proberen of vind je het helemaal niks?
Audrina Patridge in de verf.
Audrina Patridge met haar nieuwe rose gouden haar
Pinterest inspiratie
Pinterest inspiratie 
Pinterest inspiratie
Pinterest inspiratie
Pinterest inspiratie

dinsdag 27 januari 2015

COOLHUNT - The importance of men in fashion.

The catwalk is dominated by women. I think that this statement will slowly disappear because the importance of men in fashion is getting bigger. Like in my previous coolhunt where the differences between men and women were clearly expressed. But in the contrary the lines between men and women are also fading because the clothing of the men and women are more a like then ever!

WHAT? So the importance of men in fashion is getting more important. But why is men fashion not very popular in the first place? All kind of excuses like men are less interested in fashion etc. But like Miuccia Prada explained at her latest men collection she said that the women collections are responsible for the biggest incomes of the most fashion houses. That's pure financially so they get more attention. But in their men collections most fashion houses are more creative then with women collections because the financial risks are smaller. The last men collection of Miuccia Prada for Autumn/Winter '15 showed how menswear is affected by womenswear and how much her men collections inspire her women collections. 
If we look at the A/W '15 men collection from Walter van Beirendonck he used this collection to make a statement. With phrases like 'Stop terrorizing the world' and 'Demand beauty' he refers to the events in France two weeks ago. Just like Rick Owens in my previous coolhunt he uses his men collection to make an outburst in creativity and to make a statement. 
A/W '15 Prada
A/W '15 Prada
A/W '15 Walter van Beirendonck

WHY? So this is something new in fashion. We've seen a lot of extreme things in the previous fashion weeks and especially in the men collections. Because the men collections are not financially dependent the designers can use more creativity in these collections then in the women collections. So the importance of men fashion is getting bigger. And I think that in the future this importance wil only get more because we already see a lot of influences from men fashion in women fashion and likewise. This coolhunt is about femininity and masculinity but then the similarities and the differences. And maybe there is a need of more men fashion that also has to do with men caring more about their appearance. 


zondag 25 januari 2015

COOLHUNT - Shocking fashion.

Rick Owens is a known fashion designer because of his 'shocking' designs. Last week he did something shocking during the Paris Fashion Week A/W 2015. You can say he is revolutionary in fashion because he also uses social issues in his clothing. His fashion is about statements and he has already shown that in the past. In one fashion show he used models that he picked from the streets and he let them march over the runway. Another time he painted the models white to turn them into ghosts. 

Past fashion shows from Rick Owens
WHAT? Last week Rick Owens did something shocking during the Paris Fashion Week A/W 2015. He sent four men on the runway with cut outs in their clothing and you could see their penises. A really awkward image if you ask me but Rick Owens said it was about time to make a simple primal gesture. He loves simple, little gestures that take care of a little extra energy. And that's sure something he did with this fashion show. People were astonished when they saw the cut out clothing with a little peek here en there. Owen uses something so powerful to bring a message to the people. It's something no one dared to do but he can get away with it. Maybe because we see more signs of showing vulnerability. Like last friday creative director of Avelon Erik Frenken, showed a fashion show for women with see through clothing. You could see the nipples from the models and the #freethenipple was released. 

Rick Owens shocking fashion show
Rick Owens shocking fashion show
Avelon fashionshow
WHY? So these designers did something what is always seen as 'not done'. But why is it different now? Maybe it's because the lines between masculinity and femininity are fading even more. And this is a way of showing that masculinity and femininity again. It's the ultimate way to show through the clothing if it is for men or women. Because nowadays you can't see the difference that easy. So even though that gender equality is becoming more and more excepted like the petition from HeforShe, there's still a need of showing that there is a difference in it's purest form. Now that we've seen these shocking things on the runway I think there will be more fashion houses that will follow this example. Can we still speak of trends in fashion because fashion moves so fast and because of that the designers have to come up with new innovative things. I don't know if I could get used to this image but these designers definitely made a statement. 


vrijdag 23 januari 2015

HUMAN MOVEMENT - De bewegingskalender

Deze kalender is gebaseerd op die van Jennie from the Blog. Ik gebruik hem meer als bewegingskalender aangezien ik vanwege fysieke redenen niet heel actief kan sporten. Ik heb gewoon een jaarkalender gekocht bij de V&D en ronde gekleurde stickertjes. Aangezien de kalender vol zat met bloemetjes en dat misschien niet heel motiverend werkt plak ik per maand inspiratiefoto's boven de kalender. Daarnaast heb ik een kleine legenda gemaakt. De groene stickers staan voor een lange wandeling met de hond (langer dan een half uur), de blauwe stickers staan voor een uur zwemmen, de rode staan voor een korte workout (ongeveer een kwartier) en de gele staan voor een lange workout (ongeveer een half uur of langer). De work outs bestaan bij mij voornamelijk uit oefeningen met gewichten en eventueel een stukje hardlopen erna.

Je kunt natuurlijk ook een eigen legenda maken of andere soorten stickertjes kopen. Toen ik dit idee zag bij Jennie dacht ik meteen dit ga ik ook doen. Elke dag gewoon even kijken of het gelukt is om wat beweging te doen. Ik moet zeggen dat het ook motiverend werk want ik probeer toch elke dag een uur met de hond te wandelen of iets anders te doen zodat ik toch een stickertje kan opplakken. Ik ben benieuwd wat jullie van het idee vinden en of je het ook gaat proberen!

woensdag 21 januari 2015

FOOD - Gezonde wrap pizza.

Afgelopen week zag ik een leuk recept staan in het blaadje van de Jumbo. Ik dacht deze ziet er leuk uit en die ga ik uitproberen. Het was een gezonde wrap pizza, ik heb hem nu al twee keer gemaakt want hij is echt ontzettend lekker. Afgelopen keren heb ik er steeds 2 per persoon gemaakt en ook een lekkere salade erbij omdat de wrap pizza zelf niet echt genoeg is. Hieronder zal ik laten zien hoe ik hem gemaakt heb. En als het je lekker lijkt, gewoon proberen het is niet moeilijk om te maken. Je kunt natuurlijk ook andere dingen erop doen die je ook lekker lijken. 

Ingrediënten voor 4 personen:

Wrap pizza:
- 8 wraps
- 1 pak gezeefde tomaten
- 2 uien
- 4 paprika's
- 1 pak mini mozzarella bolletjes
Je kunt uiteindelijk ook eventueel een beetje pesto erop smeren en olie erop doen als ze uit de oven komen.

- Zak gemengde salade (150 gram)
- 1 bakje cherry tomaatjes
- 1 pak mini mozzarella bolletjes
- mayonaise
- pesto
- olie

Je begint met de gezeefde tomaten uit te smeren over de wrap.
Dit is alle garneringen alvast gesneden. De mozzarella bolletjes halveer ik.
Zo kun je alle pizza's versieren. 
Klaar om te eten, de pizza kan uit de oven. Hij hoeft er met een voorverwarmde oven op 180 graden maar 5 minuten ongeveer in.
Dit is de sla erbij geserveerd met een pesto/mayonaise dressing.
Je kunt ook een beetje sla op de pizza erbij doen, maakt het lekker crispy.


maandag 19 januari 2015

TIP HEMA - Fujifilm Instax Camera Mini 8

Ik ben helemaal gek van fotografie en ben nog steeds dolblij met mijn spiegelreflex camera. Maar polaroid plaatjes schieten blijft leuk, ze krijgen zo'n oud vintage effect en het creëert weer een soort beleving. Alleen de camera's zijn wel betaalbaar maar de plaatjes die erin moeten zijn duur. Nu komt Hema met een leuke aanbieding! De Fujifilm Instax Camera mini 8 voor maar 65 euro! Ook zijn 20 mini Instax glossy nu maar 12 euro. Je bent dus voor een betaalbaar prijsje klaar en je hebt een leuke polaroid camera. Je kunt ook nog allerlei leuke accessoires erbij kopen zoals foto albums en versierde plaatjes die je kunt gebruiken in de camera. 

Helaas zag ik dat ze in November meerdere kleurtjes hadden waaronder pastel. Nu ben ik verliefd geworden op de lichtblauwe versie. Die is niet meer te koop bij Hema. Ik ga verder zoeken naar deze en hem heel hoog op mijn verlanglijstje zetten!


Source: http://www.hema.nl/winkel/foto/instax/cameras

woensdag 14 januari 2015

COOLHUNT - The real proof that age is just a number.

Last week I came across a few new campaigns from different brands, they were extraordinary because of one thing. The models in the campaigns were some lovely older ladies. This is something new that we have not seen before very often. A few examples: Joan Didion for Céline, Iris Apfel for Alexis Bittar and Joni Mitchell for Yves Saint Laurent. 
Joan Didion for Céline.
Iris Apfel for Alexis Bittar.
Joni Mitchell for Yves Saint Laurent.
WHAT? So older women modeling for some major fashion houses is something new. But it can also be explained because there's a new subculture called: 'Youngsters'. It's a large group of older people who are reinventing the fact of getting older. They're babyboomers from the sixties and seventies. Back in the days they we're born in a time of pop music and they still have a great influence on the economic, political and social field. In a world full of subcultures they create their own identity. They are active, full of life and they have a young spirit. The Youngsters are the hipsters beyond the elderly. So this is a whole new subculture. They're on the rise and that is something that we can see in fashion now. They use these 'Youngsters' for new campaigns. Maybe we will see this more in the future. 

WHY? The rise of the 'Youngsters' and the elderly ladies as models are examples of the maxi trend 'age elasticity'. You can link this maxi trend on the mega trend 'aging' which is a big issue because the number of elderly is growing. But these beautiful women are the living prove that age is just a number. These people are changing the image that older people are boring and dusty. The Youngsters are full of life and they dress like they're 20 again! It's something I can only respect. In the future this can be the new image for elderly and not just for elderly but everybody. You don't have to look old when you're not feeling old. You have to dress as old as you feel, that's the message from the 'Youngsters'. Admit it, we all want a cool grandma like the women in the picture below. 


dinsdag 13 januari 2015

COOLHUNT - Durable, unisex and culture-bridging: Baltic Designs.

I was thinking about a shift that we see a lot these days in clothing for men and women. The line between clothing for men and women is fading. Women are wearing a lot of clothes that can also be in the closet of men and vice versa. I read two articles about women who say that you don't have to be a tomboy to love men clothing these days. It's obvious we women love to wear more wider clothes (I even wore a sweater from my dad last week). Look at the jeans for men who are getting tighter, and no they are not necessarily gay. Then I came across a e-boutique with durable and culture-bridging fashion and design. Not just fashion but also unisex fashion. 

WHAT? This e-boutique is called Baltic Designs. It's a webshop created by a women who is originally from Lithuania. She has decided to build a bridge between the Baltic States and the Netherlands. Baltic fashion and design is an emerging concept in the European fashion industry. Baltic Designs is the only Dutch company that offers fashion and interior products for men, women, children and unisex. All the products are made exclusively in the Baltic States of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. 
All the products are made from pure, natural fabrics and material. But Baltic Designs also supports social initiatives and sustainability. For example she sells products from the Latvian accessory brand Mammu Latvian who supports young mothers in need by offering them jobs that focus on the creative process of their brand. 
If products are not in stock or you don't like the product the way it is a lot of designers from Baltic Designs offer a feature to customize the products to your needs. You just have to click the green button "May Be Customized. Ask?". 
Linen duvet cover E151,95
Mammu scarf E117,95
WHY? I think this e-boutique is a combination of a few maxi trends that we see a lot right now. You have durability which is actually a mega trend but it's important in every company these days. Then you have the unisex clothing which refers to the trend gender equality. And last but not least the culture-bridging aspect. A lot of cultures are mixed today and with this initiative she brings Baltic Designs to the Netherlands which is something new for us. But I think that we can learn a lot from this women because she supports brands who show interest in other people and nature. It's the first Dutch Company who has done something like this, but I think that in the future we will see more of the Baltic Designs in the Netherlands. That's because I think the acceptance of more cultures is something we're already busy with but will grow more in the future. 
Linen Teddy E30,95
Unisex backpack E94,95
Unisex T-shirt E34,95

maandag 12 januari 2015

COOLHUNT - HeForShe: Make gender equality reality.

Something caught my eye when I searched through the internet for new coolhunts for appearance. Something pink, black and white. When I took a closer look I saw something what looked like the two symbols of man and women but then very clean. It's HeForShe: a solidarity movement for gender equality. 

WHAT? It's a solidarity movement that is a part of UN women. On September 22, 2014 Emma Watson, the Goodwill Ambassador of UN women started of this campaign with a great speech (See the article here). This movement says that gender equality is a human issue, not just for women. With the HeForShe logo they want to combine both aspects of males and females to show that man and women can both work hard together to make gender equality a reality. On the HeForShe website you can click on the button 'I agree' to join the solidarity movement and spread the word. You can also see how many man all over the world are taking a stand for gender equality. In the Netherlands there are already 1880 men who are committed to this solidarity movement, but really it's for anybody who wants to stand for gender equality. You can also download the action kit which is an overall guide about this campaign. But also you can donate money to this movement. 
There are a lot of things what they do about PR in this campaign. They use quotes from celebrities to show how important this subject is. You can download the app for more information. There are also T-shirts and more goodies all provided with the HeforShe logo. 

The HeForShe app
WHY? What's so amazing about this solidarity movement is that they come with a clear message. Everybody needs to stand up for gender equality. Because it's a movement from the UN women it's believable and with a Goodwill Ambassador like Emma Watson you'll get the attention this subject needs. Gender equality is a maxi trend that has become more important the last years. It's also a shift in appearance about masculinity and femininity. Back then there was no question of gay man and women or people who were born in the wrong body. But now it's very normal and finally it's something where people can stand up for and no longer hide for. I think that in the future it can be accepted by everybody, because everyone should be the person they want to be. And that's something what is not socially accepted yet. But with a movement like this, I think it's really going to happen in the future. 

Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson