donderdag 7 mei 2015

COOLHUNT – Food crawling on your walls and coming out of your printer.

If we look at sustainable cities, food is also a very important aspect. There’s a lot of hunger in this world and we are asking ourselves the question: how can we feed 9 billion people by the time of 2050? We need smart solutions. We’re running out of soil and materials. Urban farming is becoming a trend but how are we going to implement this in the daily life of everybody?

WHAT? According to farm online we need vertical greenhouse ‘farms’ and city roof-top gardens. They could bring new green life, food, birds and biodiversity. Waste and water would be recycled to grow other things. They’re calling it urban horticulture. With the right investment this culture could supply half of the world’s food by 2050. (Picture 1) On they’re giving a lot of examples of vertical farming on buildings. I think it’s not only useful but it also looks amazing! How awesome would it be to see these kinds of buildings in the future? It’s not only good for our health but we can feed a lot of people with it. We will all become our own farmers. (Picture 2) Then we have a whole other level of food in the future, 3D printing. On they show a lot of ways to print our food. Maybe we will all have a 3D printer in the future to print not only our food but also everything. We don’t have to go to the supermarkets anymore.(Picture 3)

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
WHY? Urban farming is not new, but to implement it in our daily life is a whole other level. These signals are the ones that can take it to the next level. The ideas are great and I think it is something that we will see in the future because we need these kind of smart solutions. It has something to do with durability, technology. It will increase our social, material and mental wellbeing because we have to work together to make sure that everybody on this planet gets to eat. And these initiatives are a great step towards the future.

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