WHAT? This app is developed by a healthcare innovation company FocusCura. The app can be prescribed by the doctor and he will give the patient assignments to do at home. You can think of things like doing measurements at fixed times like bloodpressure, weight etc. If you do the measurements yourself you don't have to go to the doctor so often. If you connect the app with an iPhone or iPad it will send the measurements to a medical call center and your own doctor. Until now the app could only be used by patient with heart failure and the lung disease COPD. But because of the success the app it will also be available for parkinson, child diabetes, obese, asthma, trauma, and palliative care in the future.
WHY? What's so cool about this app is that because of the measurements at home abnormalities will be detected earlier. And in this way appropriate assistance can be provided. In this way chronic diseases can be controlled way better. This app is a form of an Inline trend. Because normally you go to the doctor but now you can measure your own values without going to the doctor. And for that you're using an online function namely an app on your iPhone or iPad. I think the macro trend in this story is control. The control of your own body, and the knowledge about it. When we used to go to the doctor we didn't always know what he was talking about. And look at us now! We're playing doctor ourselves!
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Source: http://www.sonhaber.nl/bilimteknoloji/hastaneye-gitmeye-gerek-kalmayacak-h32306.html |
* http://www.changinghealthcare.nl/thuismeetapp-officieel-inzetbaar-als-hulpmiddel/
* 'Chronisch zieke kan zelf controles doen.' (De Telegraaf 19-09-2014)